Through the play, students and their families reflected on love, empathy, and equity

On December 3, School of the Nations presented the play “To See Better,” a spectacle organized by our After School program. Inspired by the work “The Invisible Boy” by Brazilian author Hugo Barros, the show gave students enrolled in different After School activities the opportunity to showcase their talents and skills. After three months of preparation, our young artists in ballet, dance, gymnastics, cheerleading, and theater classes brought the play to life.
According to After School Coordinator Diego Considera, Hugo Barros’ work was chosen as a tribute to our 2022-23 annual campaign, Equity Leads to Justice, as the book critiques issues of social invisibility.
The event took place at the Main Campus, and students, their families, and After School instructors attended. It provided a unique, immersive theatrical experience and an invitation to reflect. As the main activity, families were invited to wear special glasses so they could watch the show in a different way. As a symbolic gesture, glasses were handed out to the audience so, from that moment on, they would see ‘the other’ with more love and empathy.
“Many social problems can be alleviated if we begin to see ‘the other’ with our hearts. So, last Saturday, we invited our community to abandon all “preconceptions” and make our society more equal by not judging others by their clothes, color, creed, or religion,” comments Diego.
Throughout the development of the play, students explored various academic, social, and personal skills. In addition to preparing physically for the presentation, students shared in choosing costumes, creating the choreography, and other fundamental parts that made up the play. In this way, besides learning the skills of their performance area, they discovered the deep meaning behind the spectacle.
“This process of presenting the play enriches our students before, during, and after their performance. Students’ concentration and the skills they demonstrated on stage have made their families immensely proud. We have already begun evaluating the play with our students. They are watching the official video of their play so they can analyze their performance and understand how they can improve,” says the After School Coordinator.