Students, families, and staff learn about and take part in acts of service offered by students at School of the Nations

Created by our Moral Education and Global Citizenship Department to encourage service and volunteerism, we celebrated Service Day on February 22. Students, parents, and staff took part in workshops, field trips, reading circles, and educational activities with their children and students from other educational institutions. In addition, we exchanged uniforms and donated school supplies, among other activities.
The purpose of Service Day is to build bonds, promote meaningful connections, and reflect on how we, as a school community, can promote the well-being of all. From Nursery through High School, students learned about the importance of empathy and serving others.

With their families, our youngest students in Nursery 2 through Grade 1 took part in jewelry, soap bubble, art, and even how-to-plant seeds workshops (not to mention the special one on dance).
Elementary students had a fun day of learning as well. They participated in reading circles, community snacks, cooperative games, the Mandala Garden, the Buddy Bench project, and dance classes. In addition, families attended a wide variety of workshops, such as one for left-handed children’s families and another on first aid. Families also spoke with experts on the “Influence of technology on the safety, creativity, and development of children.”

In Middle School, Grade 7 students prepared a movie session and a bake sale to raise funds for an institution that helps people with disabilities. A group of Grade 6 students also sold food to raise funds to donate. Students in Grade 8 revitalized a mural inspired by our 2022-23 annual campaign theme, Equity Leads to Justice.
High School students raised funds for donations as well with the support and participation of members of “Seed the Future,” “Take, Care, and Share,” “Modify Bags,” and “Learning for Fun,” all of which are student-led initiatives.
Partnering with the Bahá’í Community in the Cidade Estrutural
The Moral Education and Global Citizenship Department partnered with the Bahá’í Community in the Cidade Estrutural. The institution offers spiritual education classes and youth empowerment groups in their community.

Our High School students and teachers met with children and pre-teens from the group and participated with them in a theater, a make-up workshop, and a reading group. The institution received donations from our community.

Donations are an essential part of Service Day. Members of School of the Nations’ community were encouraged to bring items they no longer use at home, leading to some of our most notable projects taking part in our Service Day 2022-23. Parents and school staff held a “Uniform Swap,” a library book sale, a sale of student-made
products from our School Factory, such as detergent, and a donation campaign.
Field Trips
High School students leading the initiatives “Colorindo Brasília” and “Colete lixos com amigos” participated in field trips alongside their teachers to further the objectives of their projects.
“Colorindo Brasília” promotes young people’s creativity and expression by developing artistic skills for urban intervention actions. Students painted a local bus stop for Service Day. The “Colete lixos com amigos” project consists of collecting waste at several locations throughout Brasília and then disposing of it correctly in an environmentally friendly way.
