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Nations community participates in Student Expo

Students in Nursery through Grade 12 present their first-semester projects

On November 12, our school community took part in the Student Expo. From Nursery through Grade 12, students presented their projects and work to their families, friends, and the school community.

The concepts of force and motion inspired Kindergarten students’ projects. They created a slingshot and studied the forces needed to propel different objects. According to teacher Raquel Lenzi, we want students to hypothesize why one material reacts differently from another. Early Childhood teacher Raquel Melito said the exhibition was a positive and unique experience for students.

“Besides doing their projects, students shared their learning with their parents by doing activities with them during the Student Expo. We can certainly say that student exhibitions were transformative. Seeing students working and learning alongside their parents and teachers was supercool.”

The Student Expo encourages students to apply their scientific knowledge and helps them develop skills related to their area of research, such as public speaking and scientific reading.

Ana Luiza Parracho, Grade 8, developed an art project that involved making paint using ingredients found in nature. She made red paint from strawberries, used saffron to create yellow, and purple cabbage to make blue. In her presentation, Ana presented the benefits of making paint using natural ingredients, explained the process she uses to create colors, and demonstrated her paints with videos and photos of her artwork.

“I loved the Expo! The best part was doing the project. I love the arts, so being able to produce artwork using paint I created myself was amazing,” said Ana Luiza.



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