Nations in Action | Moral Education
Math | Matemática
Visual Arts | Arts Visuais Photography (Elective) | Eletiva Fotografia
Spanish & AP Capstone Research (Elective)
TCB Redação (Elective)
TCB Matemática (Elective)Sports by The Numbers (Elective)AP Statistics - After-school CourseAP Calculus - After-school Course
Honors Math (Elective) & TCB Matemática (Elective)
PLL, Portuguese & TCB Português (Elective)
TCB Biologia (Elective) & Forensic Science (Elective)
History | História Rock and Roll History and Appreciation (Elective) AP Human Geography (After-school Course)
Physical Education | Educação Física
Spanish | Espanhol
Biology | Biologia
English | Inglês
Sociology & TCB História (Elective) AP Comparative Government and Politics (After-school Course)
History, Geography, and Philosophy | História, Geografia e Filosofia
Physics, TCB Física (Elective) AP Physics (After-school Course)